Our Vision
We advocate, educate, challenge, empower and celebrate. We are the people, we are the change.
Our aims are:
To promote the empowerment and equality of all Black/mixed Black heritage people in Stoke-on-Trent and the wider county of Staffordshire
To promote racial harmony and unity by means of collaboration and unification of the wider diverse community
To implement where possible positive changes to replace biased and systemic racism that leads to the oppression and obstruction of fairness and equality for Black/mixed Black heritage people
To advocate for Black/mixed Black heritage people when faced with racism within employment, education, health and social care, the criminal justice system and the Family Court
To address and identify the intersectionality of compound discrimination of Black/mixed Black heritage people across sexuality, gender, age, disability, social status and all else
To act as an intermediary between Black/mixed Black heritage people and any organisation, business or individual whom they may be experiencing conflict with
To highlight and challenge racism within the community in a responsible and effective manner
To signpost Black/mixed Black heritage people towards appropriate services to ensure safety, health, protection and justice
To openly and assertively liaise with multidisciplinary agencies, employers and educators in the genuine interests of Black/mixed Black heritage people